Cisco sold off set-top box operations, killed the Flip camera and began laying off as many as10,000 workers. 思科卖掉了机顶盒业务,终止了翻转摄像机的生产,并开始启动裁员1万人的计划。
She still has the same chubby face and mocking smile, flipping off the camera as if she couldn't come up with anything original. 仍旧是那张圆圆的脸庞,脸上依然挂着嘲弄人的窃笑。她对着相机竖起中指,好像再也摆不出什么新颖的姿势。
No one's ever refused, and luckily no one's ever run off with our camera. 没有人会拒绝,幸运的是也没有人拿着我们的相机跑掉。
I tried not to take my eye off the camera. 我不停地拍照。
Natural light that comes from behind the food is best, he says, so Mr. Horton turns off indoor lights and the camera's flash, and he places the plate in front of a window that provides indirect sunlight. 霍顿说,从食物背后照过来的自然光是最好的,所以他会关掉室内灯光和相机的闪光灯,把盘子放在一扇有非直射日光照进来的窗户前面。
Lock the operations and turns off the camera. 锁定操作和关掉相机电源。
Our suspicions were confirmed at the end of our hospital visit when, off camera, a member of the hospital staff passed a scrap of paper to the Press. 当医院之旅结束的时候,我们的怀疑得到了证实。在记者的闪光灯停止后,一名医院人员将一张小纸条塞给记者。
Dialogue is recorded, cut into the reels by the editor and director, sent off to layout to get the camera and set correct, and then it's off to animation. 录好配音后,由导演或编辑剪辑并且放入已制作完成的影片中,出片后调整镜头并且做好正确的设置,这样动画就完成了。
The novelty of the first motion pictures quickly wore off and inspired film makers to all kinds of experiments with the camera to keep their audiences. 电影的新鲜感很快消失,导演们在这种新鲜感的鼓舞下为了抓住观众用摄影机进行了各种各样的探索。
He made a few remarks off camera. 他在镜头之外发表了几句评论。
Were you and Cushing close off camera as well? 在摄影机后,你和库欣是否也一样亲密?
The Auto Power Off function prevents unnecessary waste of the battery power. The current information contained in the camera memory is retained. 自动断开电源的功能可避免浪费电池电量。电池虽关掉,但当前信息仍保留在相机内存内。
The indicator lamp goes off and the camera turns off. 等待批示灯熄灭、相机关闭。
With a brief nod he was off across the road, swinging his camera as he went. 说完,他点一下头,晃着他的快照镜箱穿过马路去了。
I set off towards the stage, a TV camera following me. 我走向领奖台,一个电视摄像头紧紧跟着我。
Smoothly turn cloth simulation on or off depending on distance to camera. 平滑开启或关闭布料模拟,根据与相机的距离。
We'd like to see the two candidates square off on camera. 我们愿意看到两位候选人在摄影机前面辩护。
The light sensor detects ambient light and switches the monitor into sleep mode after hours, turning off the display but leaving the camera on. 光学传感器能侦察周围光线并在数小时后将控制器转换为待机模式,还能关掉显示屏,但摄像机仍在工作。
Analysis and Application of the Method of Off-camera Direct Flash in Close Photograph 侧位直接闪光法在近距摄影中的分析与应用